Is everything OK?

By ehbe - 27/11/2008 08:52 - France

Today, I heard my next door neighbour screaming as if someone was trying to slice her throat. Her window was open. Intrigued, I went onto my balcony and asked if everything was okay, and if she needed anything. She and her boyfriend shouted back in unison: "We're fucking! Go away!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 073
You deserved it 8 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"You're *******? ******* annoying more like. You sound like an American Idol reject being forced to have their vocal cords cut."

At that point, you shouldve broken into her house and taken a few nice things. "No, I didn't see who broke into your home twenty minutes ago! I had 'gone away' just as you so politely suggested!"


Why would you ask if they're okay like they're going to respond by saying "no, actually my throat is being sliced"

kayPandastyle 15

idk why but I just started dying laughing off this comment XD

You should of yelled back "Lady the sound you make while having sex sounds like a cat dying"

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

Nice to know you were concerned :/

_charliebrown_ 3

lol this is still one of my favorite FMLs to date. If my fiance and I ever get the chance we're so doing something like this to our neighbor.

Well, better a good neighbor than a distant friend, right? Hopefully this won't be turned into 'The boy who shouted wolf'