Is everything OK?

By ehbe - 27/11/2008 08:52 - France

Today, I heard my next door neighbour screaming as if someone was trying to slice her throat. Her window was open. Intrigued, I went onto my balcony and asked if everything was okay, and if she needed anything. She and her boyfriend shouted back in unison: "We're fucking! Go away!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 073
You deserved it 8 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"You're *******? ******* annoying more like. You sound like an American Idol reject being forced to have their vocal cords cut."

At that point, you shouldve broken into her house and taken a few nice things. "No, I didn't see who broke into your home twenty minutes ago! I had 'gone away' just as you so politely suggested!"


Then you should have said "are you sure you don't need help?"

this isn't really a fml but really funny, did she quiet down afterwards...? ;)

katiebethss 0

shouldve called the cops for a noise disturbence

tell them. I don't think it'd be awkward as you think. slip a note under their door.