Is this a joke to you?

By smiletellsall - 06/08/2009 23:41 - United States

Today, my boss called me into his office. He had a huge smile on his face, so I assumed I was going to get promoted. He then sat down, and told me that he had been sleeping with my wife for the last three months. He still had a huge smile on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 370
You deserved it 3 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put a huge smile on as you kick him in the balls. FYL though.

Seriously? What was he hoping to get out of that? And as for your wife, well, gee man all I can say is that's horrible. THAT'S a true FML if I ever heard one.


Your boss is such a douche. That sucks, especially when you were expecting to get promoted.

islaphippos 0

sucks dude, just buy a bazooka and you figure out the rest

This is when you take the opportunity to sleep with HIS wife and tell him 3 months later.

If HIS own wife would cheat on him, I don't think he'd have a chance with his bosses wife! Seriously, grow some balls, beat the shit out of him and leave the *****..

Maybe he's smiley when nervous and expecting to get his ass kicked.

OP please tell me your next FML will read something like "I got fired today after putting my boss in a coma"

cpatrick820 3

Hmm. Yeah, he would've had some interesting x-rays to show people after I was done with him. Then I would have gone home, acted very nice to my wife, get it on with her, and finish by giving her natural hairgel. THEN I would tell her what I learned today. But that's just me.

Do what Edward Norton did in Fight Club, and beat yourself to a bloody pulp until security arrives.

thereitgo 1

You probably don't even know what he's talking about, 11-year-old.

So.... did you end up getting the promotion? FYL