It is the way

By Anonymous - 26/10/2022 18:00

Today, after I broke up yet another fight between my sons, I demanded to know why they hate each other and fight all the time. After some blank looks they said, almost in unison, “It is the way” and wouldn’t explain what they meant. Even the internet isn’t being helpful here. Help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 844
You deserved it 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps they mean "This is the way". The Mandalorian. In the third episode of the show's first season, viewers are introduced to the overarching way the Mandalorian creed lives, and the code they live their life by. That code is summed up in one simple phrase: "This is the way."

There's nothing to explain. It simply is the way.


There's nothing to explain. It simply is the way.

mattiagardin 15

Boys will be boys! Let them be!

Perhaps they mean "This is the way". The Mandalorian. In the third episode of the show's first season, viewers are introduced to the overarching way the Mandalorian creed lives, and the code they live their life by. That code is summed up in one simple phrase: "This is the way."

Logged in to say this. I'd bet cold hard cash that this is the phrase they were using, or at least the phrase they were attempting to use. If so, I would take some small amount of solace in the fact that they're joking (albeit in a deadpan way) about it.

Where there are siblings, there's rivalry. You should've known that.

Do they really hate each other? I mean, all 8 of us brothers fought tooth and nail non stop, yelled that we hated each other non stop the whole time we were growing up. Now any of us would take a bullet for all of us. This truly is the way for boys. It makes me wonder of OP had any siblings at all or at least any brothers. Boys touchy-feely involves fists and knees to the groin. The end result is a bond that cannot be broken.

1 girl with 3 brothers, and even though we’re all adults now, we still fight. It’s just what siblings do. If you think my 30 year old ass ain’t going to try to get my youngest brother in trouble with mom, you got another thing coming for you lmao. This is the way.

Blood and bruises now... best of friends as adults. It is the way.

Sounds about right. They'll settle down in their mid-20s or so.

LiquIDMeow 6

You'll just have to accept that and move on

Brothers don’t hate each other even when they say they do. Same goes for sisters. There is a bond between siblings you can’t break. This is also how they figure things out. My sisters and I still get into it now and then and we’re grown up but hurt one of us and you have to deal with all of us.