Today, after showering and moisturising, I turned my fan on to max blast. I got covered in clumps of dust, which I had to take another shower to remove. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 861
You deserved it 1 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

openawhole00 6

and to think, somebody is stealing a 2 month olds piggy bank to get the spa treatment you got for free


Sounds like the shit hit the fan ... and then you.

Ooh, you had a dust bath afterwards. I heard those are marvelous if you're a chinchilla.

Ooh, you had a dust bath afterwards. I heard those are marvelous if you're a chinchilla.

bluhbluhbluh 14
PenguinPal3017 19

Shower, moisturize, repeat.

openawhole00 6

and to think, somebody is stealing a 2 month olds piggy bank to get the spa treatment you got for free

At least you didn’t sit down in urine!

Lobby_Bee 17

Those help exfoliate your body.

Sounds like you need to scrub more than just your ass