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Slicy slicy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I was getting ready for a date, so to avoid stinky pits, I went to put some deodorant on. However, when I raised my arm to apply it, I almost sliced my hand off when I raised it right into the ceiling fan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 632
You deserved it 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless your ceiling fan blades are Crocodile Dundee knives, the hands usually come out on top in such a collision.

How tall are you/how short are your ceilings?!?!


How tall are you/how short are your ceilings?!?!

Unless your ceiling fan blades are Crocodile Dundee knives, the hands usually come out on top in such a collision.

Am I the only one who doesn't have a ceiling fan? Even my roommate has one. I've had to take up valuable floor space with an oscillating fan. I wanted a ficus, dammit!

KingAdrock 16

Yeah... no. Ceiling fans are not sharp, not by any meaning of the word. If you got hurt then you'd get a bruise AT WORST.

why are your ceiling fan blades so sharp?

Wadlaen 23

If that had happened, at least you'd have a conversation starter on the date...

L0life29 6

over exaggerate and over react!!! you’re what’s wrong with the workd