It's not what you think!
By me. - 22/06/2012 07:28 - United States - Indianapolis

By me. - 22/06/2012 07:28 - United States - Indianapolis
By pharmn00b - 08/07/2009 17:52 - United States
By professionalmedicineman - 11/08/2016 19:25 - United States - Arlington
By in pain and tardy - 11/03/2016 23:00 - United States - Easthampton
By anonymous - 14/11/2020 06:57 - United States - Irving
By Anonymous - 10/10/2020 14:02 - United States - Palm Bay
By Anonymous - 09/01/2025 16:30 - India - Puducherry
By Anonymous - 28/01/2013 21:18 - United States - Fayette
By NewDrugs - 22/02/2013 01:21 - United States - Charlotte
By Jess - 27/10/2015 20:16
By Anonymous - 18/05/2011 04:38 - Australia
You could've said, "I prefer oral....method of taking medication." You have to think on your feet!
No fucktard, there are suppositories. Which go up your ass. Which is anal. Go learn something before you speak.
#21 There are acetaminophen tablets or suppositories for fever if you can't keep food down... (and other suppositories) For the schizophrenic patients, you have Risperdal, it can be given in tablet form or via an intramuscular injection (ouch) if you fear your patient is not swallowing. (noncompliance) There are more, but I'm taking so Long to type this, I'm almost sure the FML app won't let this go through if I add another word.
#30, If I look at the time stamps, it suggests you must have taken longer than 10 minutes to write that. Just a fun fact (:
You could also try jamming the pills into your ear, as the voices in my head oftentimes suggest, but I've heard (with much difficulty) that it isn't as effective as standard methods of ingestion. What? I can't hear you.
Who doesn't prefer oral??? It's the only way to go! Shocked no one suggested snorting their meds....
#61, Can you repeat that? In English this time? ...Yes, you have to put in mechanics, too.
Wow, thats yummy! lol
I'm sure the clients were willing to sign any deals after hearing that ;-).
Maybe those clients prefers oral too...FYL
Haha, this made me laugh out loud.
i'd like the comment but its on 69 right now xD
I really hate to be the one to make the obligatory terrible pun, but that really sucks.
You better feel terrible! Your comment blows!
Swallow your tongue! I thought it was a job well done.
That might count as a rhyme if you're Lil B the Based God, but I doubt any real musicians would let that one go into a song.
Why did you exclaim it?
How else would she of dome it
How else could* she have* done* it you ask? I'll just let you have a think about it, and if you're still not sure, please don't hesitate to ask again.
Also 9 the gender of OP is not specified.
I don't... prefer oral, that is.
Or topical
I would just add '... When it comes to taking medication of any kind..' There, problem solved.
And your situation most definitely blows, OP.
Sure fire way to get those clients: Step one: Make it really obvious to the client you love oral (which you've already done) Step two: Offer said client oral in a very seductive way Step three: Take one for the team Step four: Profit *It may end in a hard slap but if you are offering oral you probably like that anyways ;)
I really hate to be the one to make the obligatory terrible pun, but that really sucks.
In general, anyone would prefer oral ;)