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By Brightbulb - 08/08/2017 00:12

Today, I was sent to the ER from work after sharp stomach pains made me double over in pain and nearly faint. They were so severe the Ketamine only took the edge off. After several expensive tests I found out that I will experience these every month for the rest of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 322
You deserved it 461

Brightbulb tells us more.

Brightbulb 39

ummm WOW hi, OP here, that gender indicator is messed up (good one FML staff​, still need some work there) I am infact 100% FEMALE. Now that we have my gender clarified, thank you for the knowledge that removal is an option, as I have been told that it was not being as young as I am. It was a severe cyst in my ovary and I was told to essentially "get used to it" because it's going to happen every month until Menopause comes.for me, at which point I can get a hysterectomy. Knowing that it may be an option now I am going to approach my Dr about that. I did not know ketamine was supposed to make me not feel anything, because it did not work that way. When I went to the Urgent Care they rushed me to the ER, who then started looking for infections or appendicitis, but alas it was deemed "severe cramps" and "female issues" by several techs, before I even got the PCOS answer.

Top comments

Get checked for Endometriosis or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome - but have symptoms of unimaginable pain, and if not dealt with, can lead to sterilization and severe infections. Most doctors will see to a surgery to remove the uterus or the ovaries.

I had the same, and getting on the pill actually made it a bit more bearable for me. Go to your gynaecologist and talk to them about it, they will find some reason/solution to your problem.


If it's because of an organ that isn't essential to life, I HIGHLY suggest considering having it removed. If it's your uterus and/or ovaries, you can get your eggs frozen if having genetically related kids is a must for you.

Joshtheboss1 2

Since when do guys have a uterus and ovaries

There are guys who haven't had bottom surgery, and also guys that for whatever reason don't plan to or can't. They're still guys, they just have some anatomical differences. There are also people who have mixed anatomy and may have typical parts on the outside, but their reproductive organs are different internally. Meaning that someone can have a dick and still have a uterus and even ovaries. Also, originally there wasn't a gender indicator, so I put the bit about the uterus in there because, if it IS their uterus, most doctors do everything they can to make patients keep them. Which includes hiding the fact that removal is, in fact, an option.

zieelona 21

Guys don't have "monthly" pains. Which part of man's body could possibly hurt only every 30 (or so) days? Think for a sec. it just has to be a girl.

definitely need more info on this one

Sperm has a monthly cycle too so it's possible it could be something to do with that.

Get checked for Endometriosis or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome - but have symptoms of unimaginable pain, and if not dealt with, can lead to sterilization and severe infections. Most doctors will see to a surgery to remove the uterus or the ovaries.

Joshtheboss1 2

I think op already has those removed since they are a guy

adventureinthesea 14

I'm a guy with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome soooo don't assume

PCOS doesn't cause infertility, it just decreases the chances of becoming pregnant.

Marm-alarm 6

Actually POCS can cause infertility depending on the severity of it. (I have it) depending on how often cysts rupture you can get scarring and if the scarring is on your fallopian tubes it can cause them to be blocked and make you infetile.

I had the same, and getting on the pill actually made it a bit more bearable for me. Go to your gynaecologist and talk to them about it, they will find some reason/solution to your problem.

Joshtheboss1 2

Guys dont go to genealogists

Incorrect. Men in fact do sometimes go to gynecologist in some cases. Fertility issues, being intersex, or being FtM are all reasons they might go to one.

Same for me. Wasn't a specific condition, just irregular periods and cramps so bad they made me pass out or had me curled up crying and unable to move. Had some cramps since going on the pill, bit only cramps and not the pain that felt like I was dying. Def worth a shot if it's safe and you're okay with the potential side effects :)

neuronerd 28

If what you're implying is that it's something related to your period, unless you're planning to die before menopause, this won't happen for the rest of your life.

Joshtheboss1 2

Im pretty sure its not related to ops period and he will suffer from it the rest of his life because ya know guys dont have periods

Joshtheboss1 2

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neuronerd 28

People don't always pay attention to gender when posting, and I believe FML defaults to male. Additionally, a trans man would have a period, depending on where they are in their transitioning, or if they choose to use hormones or have surgery.

Also, the recently adopted gender icons are very hard to distinguish without looking very carefully. I like the old-fashioned Mars and Venus symbols, the circles with the arrow or plus sign. I can't tell the difference between the pictogram of the woman wearing a pantsuit and the man wearing a kilt.

For someone who hardly ever posts, you sure were quick to spam the comment sections with either transphobia or ignorance. Also, the bit about the gender defaulting to male for FML is in fact a culprit here. When it was in the Nearly FMLs section, there wasn't a gender icon. Meaning we have no clue what gender OP is, or what their anatomy may be. And we don't really need to know the latter to be inclusive to transgender men.

Brightbulb 39

I am a female, don't feel bad that FML failed on that, and thank you for your suggestion, having a biological child is not necessary for me so I am talking to my Dr next week.

I'm on the mobile app, and there isn't any indication of gender whatsoever.

Joshtheboss1 2

Sorry about that im not on here often enough to know that there is an automatic default for when something gets posted also i didnt consider the option of a trans man before posting but i realise that is a possibility

Lobby_Bee 17

Hmmm, so what does it feel like being a women?

Same thing happens to me on a monthly basis. It happens when I open my cable bill!

Brightbulb 39

ummm WOW hi, OP here, that gender indicator is messed up (good one FML staff​, still need some work there) I am infact 100% FEMALE. Now that we have my gender clarified, thank you for the knowledge that removal is an option, as I have been told that it was not being as young as I am. It was a severe cyst in my ovary and I was told to essentially "get used to it" because it's going to happen every month until Menopause comes.for me, at which point I can get a hysterectomy. Knowing that it may be an option now I am going to approach my Dr about that. I did not know ketamine was supposed to make me not feel anything, because it did not work that way. When I went to the Urgent Care they rushed me to the ER, who then started looking for infections or appendicitis, but alas it was deemed "severe cramps" and "female issues" by several techs, before I even got the PCOS answer.

mudslutme 11

Cysts can be very dangerous. If one bursts and gets infected and it's not treated in time, the infection will spread. I would get a second opinion about removal.. It's the better option in the long run. And it will get rid of the pain for you

monyluv1 13

I had a hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary that nearly killed me. I had this horrible pain every other month on that right side and one month I couldn't take it. I was working at the hospital I went to (I was an RN for Labor and Delivery) and the asshat MD that night told me he didn't know what it was, but said he'd give me pain meds for the pain. I walked out AMA. I'd had an ultrasound and it showed a "knot" but he just said it would probably go away. I called my OB Gyn as I was walking out (I assisted with his deliveries all the time) and he asked me to come in to his office 1st thing the next morning. Turns out that it was a cyst and that it was filled with blood (supplied by an artery) and I had to have surgery that afternoon. My Doc was furious with what happened in the ER the night before bc apparently it was on the verge of rupturing and if it had, I would have died from severe internal bleeding. I had that ovary removed. Still scares me to think that for several months I'd feel that weird knot and not know that it was a time bomb. And before anyone blasts me- nurses are great at taking care of others, but we tend to leave ourselves out. I should've known something was wrong, but it only hurt for a day or two every other month. Plus, since I was 14 I've had cysts on both ovaries, so I'm used to a certain level of pain.

If it's a cyst, they should be able to remove it. I'm going into surgery soon for the exact same thing. I have a cyst on my right ovary that has been causing me extreem pain for about years now

Removal is definitely an option, but it can take some looking around to find a doctor willing to do so. I'd see if you can find any surgeons that specialize in complete hysterectomies for PCOS and/or Endometriosis. Make sure you know what having the surgery could mean so they don't think your thinking about it without thinking of complications. If one doctor turns you down, keep looking, because there are doctors who acknowledge that forcing someone to keep organs that could potentially kill them is, you know, ridiculous and negligent.

Gingerwookie1997 5

Removal of the cyst is possible. Make a case that the cyst is dibilitating you, and do research. My little sister's friend had an ovarian cyst removed at 15, that had been growing for 2+ years. She did have the ovary removed, but they waited till there was a risk of rupture Hopefully, they do decide to remove the cyst before it becomes an issue- With any luck you may have something to what she had, where the cyst was caused by rogue cells- It's fairly common, but for reproductive organs, it tends to be brain cells (The friend had mucus making cells) so that may be it, as uncomfortable as it is. Hope you get the right treatment soon!

If you have a doctor who told you to "get used to it," you need to find another doctor. Wow. Some women find relief with birth control pills, and you should talk to your GYN about it. Hope you get the relief you need.

you should get a new doctor, if you look it up doctors refusing to remove or treat cyst on ovaries is a common problem because some have a broken logic that you popping out a baby one day is more important than being pain free.

While a bunch of people are saying that removal is an option... Well it is but prepare to have to fight for it. In most western countries discrimination based on sex and/or age is illegal but most of those have special exceptions for woman reproductive organs. For instance: in my country it's illegal to say no, but the gynaecologists are allowed to say "I'm not comfterable with this I'm going to refer you to another docter." Conclusion you can't get sterilised as a woman before the age of 30 (they have an agreement to all say this). Believe me, I'm still trying... And the weird/totally unfair thing is that they are using this age line for every situation. They don't take personal situations into account, but it might just been Belgium, but for instance I have a friends who can't have babies because her uturus is basicly useless but she can't donate eggs either until she is 30 even though she can't get pregnant??? So if I hear that your docter said you are too young, I feel like you are living under the same rules... Good luck fighting.

circean 5

I had a hysterectomy at 29 due to Polycystic Dysmorphic Syndrome. Early menopause at 38. Still the best thing I ever did. I needed surgery to get pregnant, twice. So please see a specialist.

You may also try an IUD then. I know a few people who have got it and it helped out a ton (even stopping their period). Doctors that say people are too young suck.

I also have PCOS and a history of ovarian cancer in every female in my family (without a personal cancer diagnosis they don't care). I've been asking for 10 years for a hysterectomy because these monthly pains are horrendous. I was told I need to be 38 or 39 before they'd consider it as im child bearing (even though i dont want kids) but I finally found a surgeon to review my case coming up in October! get a lot of opinions and you'll find a doctor

Looks like you get to start smoking medical depending on the state that you live in. Cheers to that bud

sammypooface 11

Are you going to tell us why? What you were diagnosed with? I'm gonna guess Crohns disease?

Brightbulb 39

I was dignosed with PCOS, which explains a lot of strange things that I have just thought was "normal" my whole life. I am a female btw.

sammypooface 11

I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you can get to a better place where you're not in so much pain.

As someone WITH Crohns Disease, the pain isn't a "once a month" thing. It can come and go. You can have no symptoms ever or have severe symptoms that last for days. You can also be stuck with the symptoms or go into remission.