It's not what you think…

By sucks - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my dog started to hump my leg. He always does this and I heard that humping the dog back asserts dominance. Well, I decided to, and I dry humped him back. As I was doing this I said, "How do you like that?" Then my mom walked in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 933
You deserved it 159 001

Top comments

thats so wrong, but so ******* hilarious at the same time!


Been laughing for a few minutes. HILARIOUS SHIT! ahahaha Comments are some what funny too. hhahaahahhha Poor dog! AND UR MOM. I'd send you to a psych ward =]

Skooper_34 0

haha that has got to be one of the funniest! better than the toothbrush one lol

randomsloth 0

there is something wrong with you lol

k_cool 0
Kittenfluff 2

It seems like a lot of commenters here are under the serious impression that he's disturbed for trying to re-exert dominance over the dog. Most people can properly train a dog with certain tones or a spray bottle and don't feel the need to try hump their dog to re-establish their control, but it's not as if OP was remotely interested in having sex with the dog. Again, it's a control issue and unless the dog wasn't neutered, it's highly unlikely the dog was just acting out of hormones. So, yeah, give the guy a bit of a break. But FYL indeed. Can't imagine the look on your mother's face.