It's the thought that counts

By come on man - 29/11/2014 17:03 - United States - Sunnyvale

Today, I sent my boyfriend a dirty picture to turn him on. He texted back: "Jfc, why wud u tease me like that?? Srsly fuck off". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 497
You deserved it 7 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you upset that he told you to **** off or because his spelling was so bad?!?


i get no response at all to mine 99% of the time.

I've sort of had this confusing response too. Instead of being appreciative, they act upset that they can't just immediately sex you. I guess that means you're irresistible.

im sure youve done this before and just didnt give him sex afterwards. a kinda outburst like that doesnt come outta nowhere.

jfc is completely acceptable srsly is a bit too lazy but okay... wud? like... really?? wud. wudwud wud wud wudwud wud wud hey macklemore!

NOTWmonkey 5

You are on the internet right now. JFGI! JFC!

hmm... does he live far away from you or something? if so, I completely understand where he's coming from.

I think he is just fussing over how he is not beside you.

Why not? Lots of couples do it. As long as your face isn't in it, I don't really see the problem