It's the thought that counts

By come on man - 29/11/2014 17:03 - United States - Sunnyvale

Today, I sent my boyfriend a dirty picture to turn him on. He texted back: "Jfc, why wud u tease me like that?? Srsly fuck off". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 497
You deserved it 7 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you upset that he told you to **** off or because his spelling was so bad?!?


Dodge4x4Ram 46

Damn this guy doesn't wait for food to cool down

ileenefudge 29

Didn't he learn how to spell in school? Maybe it's just me but one of the most annoying things to me is terrible spelling or unnecessary abbreviations especially after I sent a perfectly good text to someone with no grammatical errors. We had spelling quizzes in school for a reason. That and when I send a thoughtful text and all they reply back with is "k".

datkid117 13
ileenefudge 29

Actually #46 I like to think that I am a fun person to be around. You can be fun without sounding uneducated or acting like a fool all the time.

I sometimes think that people with no grammar or spelling issues are fun to talk to. Because those people that abbreviate every word, I have to sit there for 10 seconds longer than I should have to trying to decode it

You mean "Did he not..." "Did not (didn't) he..." Does not make sense, did you not learn that in school? Also "especially after I have (or I've)" is the correct term. If you're going to be annoyed by spelling errors and incorrect punctuation you might want to learn it yourself or you're going to be called out on it

"Didn't he" just as "Doesn't that" or "haven't you" is. And as for the I have and I've, you can use both and it won't change the meaning. Also the part you quoted "especially after I have.." I looked in and couldn't find it in the comment

"....especially after I sent a perfectly good text" The whole comment was in reply to 17, not your comment.

He needs to go back to school to learn how to spell if he is going to be treating you like that...!

this comment officially makes no sense at all ^

amileah13 26
cadillacgal79 32

Really 20? I thought it was Jareds fried chicken..Oh well learn something new every day.

Really #36? Well, I'm from a country where English is not an official language. Also, I've never lived abroad, so excuse me if I'm not used to slangs. Most people using FML are not from the U.S..

Seriously, this doesn't even make sense. Can someone explain what this means.

I'd be making absolute sure that was really him before taking any drastic measures.

#29 & #30, did you guys ever think of reading the previous comments? Already asked and answered.