By Rejection - 04/05/2010 07:33 - France

By Rejection - 04/05/2010 07:33 - France
By jodibut - 06/02/2012 16:18 - United States
By denise - 23/11/2009 05:07 - United States
By love you too honey boo - 13/01/2020 05:00
By come on man - 29/11/2014 17:03 - United States - Sunnyvale
By Anonymous - 06/10/2014 02:42 - United States - Rock Island
By Anonymous - 08/08/2014 21:05 - Israel
By Anonymous - 19/10/2013 05:34 - United States - Escondido
By Elizabeth - 29/07/2011 19:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/01/2014 17:59 - United States - Imperial
By Not-so-sexy - 04/12/2009 12:48 - United States
ydi for having a penis
i honestly don't think OP has a penis.
you sent a pic, so you're not in person. what was he supposed to ask for?
LOL maybe he just isn't very imaginative, or is too shy to ask for something else? Or he is so devestatingly turned on that he only needed one ha ha WTF is antiflood??
my comment #5 was meant for #1, whose comment has since been deleted. just putting it out there.
I don't get it? How is this an FML?
maybe he just wasnt in the mood
maybe if u used spell check, then it'd be FTW. but you're a tard, so u, good sir, are a balding epic fail.
can I have some!?? lol
wow op u must be oooooogly
fighting on the Internet is like competing in the special olympics. even if you win, you're still retarded. grow up
your weird
picture of skitlles o_O
LMFAO #6! i totally agree
umm.. op is a girl.
111- OP = Owner's post :)
well, obviously you're not that hot. just drop down a league? anti flood owns me :(
haha drop down a league, good one good one!
^ lol cheers
oh poor baby, maybe when you sent the picture he was sitting there thinking to himself holy god am I really dating this thing, was u drunk or what please don't send me another picture oh my gross. please god save me for I have sinned!!!
Seriously what is Anti-flood?
lol @59. I can't really tell if ur being sarcastic or not but it still made me laugh
Monika is right. Her face is pretty porcilein-like, but it works on her.
Yes, I realised I misspelled it.
aaaand ur a ninja..?
I wonder if she sparkles in the sun too?
What do you expect him to say? You're not around anyways, get dressed and don't let him wait.
You're so pretty. awe.
second that. you too.
I don't even know how to add pics yet!
60s rite ya know
that is harsh op deserves it for being a skanky fat bird
11 and 38 aren't skanks. stop bein jelous of their beauty
what? you scared too see #55?
38 your vag is hanging out.
60 please. Quit bein catty cuz they're cuter
thats what i was thinking... kinda. maybe he was happy with that single one you send him :-S
Fast Forward about 2 weeks and we'll see an FML where your ex-boyfriend dumped you and posted your "naughty pics" all over Facebook.
maybe cuz one is enough.