It's the thought that counts

By come on man - 29/11/2014 17:03 - United States - Sunnyvale

Today, I sent my boyfriend a dirty picture to turn him on. He texted back: "Jfc, why wud u tease me like that?? Srsly fuck off". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 497
You deserved it 7 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you upset that he told you to **** off or because his spelling was so bad?!?


Parvati48 15

Horrible grammar is horrible...seriously this makes my eye twitch, sorry OP but your bf is stupid. :/

Send me the dirty photo! I'll appreciate it! I'm stuck in my cubicle all day!

schhichick 14

nothing good ever comes from sending pictures

Not always true. I live quite far away from my boyfriend so we send each other pictures sometimes, and nothing bad has ever come of it.

Why would you want him turned on if he wasn't near you.. Or on his way to you? I think your timing was just off.

The guy is definitely stupid. Unless I was in church or a funeral there is pretty much not a single time in my life where I wouldn't love it if my girlfriend teased me with a naughty pic! He needs to man up and thank god he has a good woman who would do that!

You need a new man, one that knows how to use a dictionary!

So I'm fairly new to the FML community and noticed that grammar is a really picky thing here.. Like it's almost obsessive lol

nightfall8705 33

I agree with those on the spelling bandwagon. His grammar is atrocious, however, if someone told me to **** off, they wouldn't be in a relationship with me anymore. You don't talk to someone you're supposed to really like or love like that and think it's okay. I'd also beware of texting dirty photos. If that's what you want to do, fair enough, but a classy, respectable lady doesn't have to have dirty pictures sent to their mate...

britnie95 0

Sounds like he's in the 8th grade for the fourth time cause he can't pass English