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By BerkeleyBiker - 19/04/2011 08:23 - United States

Today, while enjoying a nice dinner out, I observed a homeless man giggling hysterically to himself while wiping boogers on my bike seat and handlebars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 366
You deserved it 3 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, I would have giggled to myself has I made up some story to the cops and had him hauled away.

CateXOX 0

It adds extra grip- he's doing you a favor.


wow, I would have giggled to myself has I made up some story to the cops and had him hauled away.

ButtRaep 0

then take a dump on his face

MizzErikaHart 8

bad idea... the homeless isn't hungry or he wouldn't have wasted his boogers

The only way to solve this problem is to take a piss on the closest bench to the homeless man.

callofduty4life 0

That's not cool. thr homeless guys life is already effed up as it is. i would let a homeless man put boogers on my bike. i would have obtained the greatest gift of all: A homeless mans laughter.

ImaWiseGuy 5

is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a hobo......

ImaWiseGuy 5

is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a hobo......

ImaWiseGuy 5

jail over boogers? maturity has prevailed in your thought process.....

that man had a good sense of humor

Jvr91 8

I would wipe it off and go but if he asked for a handout I would punch him in the head

BellyDancinCheer 0

why were you riding a bike to a "nice dinner out"?

FMLsOhilarious 6

#135 Why does it matter what OP was riding? Does OP have to drive a car just to eat out? Sheesh...

CateXOX 0

It adds extra grip- he's doing you a favor.

Well I don't think your life sucks but you didn't deserve that anyway so no voting from me. Stalemate.

TheDrifter 23

Sure op deserved it. Bicycle riding Berkeley hippies deserve anything done to them by those they advocate government programs for but refuse to personally help. You messed with him and he's returning the favor. Should have given him the dollar.

56, 1. How do you know it's a bicycle, it could very well be a motorcycle and OP just calls it a bike.(I know people who say bike when referring to a motorcycle. For example someone I know says "Im going for a bike ride) meaning motorcycle. 2. It doesn't say anywhere in the post about not giving the homeless man money. In fact it doesn't even mention that OP previously encountered the homeless man. But on the other hand, what your saying can be true. We will never know the full story.

muchagente 5

keep it in mind. the day you are homeless yourself you might want some ideas for non-expensive fun. live and learn, thats what i say.

Go read IT by Stephan King you wont joke about clowns or the buggy man ever again ;)

MakeAScene 4
cptmorgan15 2

I don't know if you realised, but her age says 16 and yours says 25... Now where I'm from that's creepy and illegal.

ryrywakaka 0
MizzErikaHart 8

well her profile says she like trains so maybe he just read that n not the birthday.

38 is my hero. hey, 34, that might work better if you offer her some candy first. then, show her your sweet ride. (by that I mean your creepy, white pedo van)

nitaaxboo 0
TaylorTotsYumm 10
TaylorTotsYumm 10

Posted in the wrong place. :c

47 keeps his right eye covered during thr day so he can use it to more easily spot pirate attacks from the sea at night.