It wasn't me

By weliveanddie14 - 07/05/2009 20:27 - United States

Today, I was at the library. I went near the computer section when I saw this man cursing and pounding his fists on a computer. He left. I thought I'd check it out. As I sat down, a librarian came over with the security guard and pointed at me. I'm now being fined for destroying public property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 923
You deserved it 15 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell them to check the security camera to prove you didn't do it.

What the heck is with all of you saying he deserves it for getting in other peoples business? The other guy left. There's no way you deserve it. Maybe he wanted to look at the computer and see what was wrong with it. Sounds like he could have been trying to be helpful. Pretty stupid librarian to not know that the guy left and you came there. She obviously wasn't paying very much attention to what people looked like, either. Sucks.


CessOMG 3

I agree, you should've let them check the security tapes. Though, there's still a part of me telling that you shouldn't have checked it out.

gatorgirl2669 6

that's what you get for being nosy

Did you speak up and say look up the cameras and have a look that it wasn't you. People need to speak up for themselves.

Maybe they're trying to say that you did it because the guy got away? You'd think they would have some kind of insurance for this shit though.... FYL. Don't let them pin this on you.