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J'accuse !

By Anonymous - 10/08/2010 21:34 - United States

Today, I was shopping at a store from which I had previously bought a shirt. The clerk accused me of trying to steal my own shirt and called security. They examined it and argued with me for so long I was late to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 196
You deserved it 3 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Did the place you went to not have security cameras? Most retail stores do. If so, why didn't they just review the tapes? I remember when a store thought I stole a purse from them, I simply told them I paid for it, gave them all of my information and walked out. I'm not going to sit around and be accused of something I didn't do. They are rent-a-cops not actual police officers. They can't legally detain you, unless they have a valid reason. Since they didn't see you shoplift or had someone else tell them you shoplifted, they had no reason.

killabee 0

I always worry this will happen to me, because it's not like you carry every receipt you ever get on your person. But good job on keeping your clothes looking brand new I guess. :)


I've always been afraid that would happen to me.

Imyourstar15 0

That happened to my friend once, those stupid basterds .

Happened to my friend as well... So I try not to wear things I recently bought when I go shopping! FYL though!

I'm actually going to buy a shirt tomorra, go to my car, change into it, and go back into the store and walk around. Hopefully they detain me and I'll get to sue the shi*t outta the store. Then I'll buy everyone a shirt! Oh and a slim Jim. Yeah!

I'd be tellin him he just lost a customer.

You should (1) tell them to write an excuse for you and (2) make up the lost pay or you will sue the ever loving crap out of them. Companies know if they stop someone for stealing and that person isn't stealing they can be sued for a substantial amount of money. FYL OP, never been accused of stealing but it can't be fun.

i like the laws here. was stopped by some fat **** pig with a chip on her shoulder and told to open my bag. she was only wearing store id, no security id as required here. the store and her were fined for using "non licenced security " loved it. just remember if your in the same state i am to make sure you ask them if they are in fact security, if they dont know the law they will say yes, once they say that they are screwed :D

Evanjelion 0

I've always been afraid of this happening, but then again I think it's really silly. I mean, if the store is really successful, should you be wearing their stuff all the time and coming in to buy stuff? I think that the clothing shop person needs to simmer down and think about whether or not it makes sense to badger customers....