July the fourth be with you!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Loveland

Today, during my family's traditional fourth of July weekend celebration, my water broke. I kept trying to tell them and asked them to take me to the hospital, but they couldn't hear me over the fireworks. They all just kept smiling and nodding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 040
You deserved it 3 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How rude, just hold it til after the fireworks!

Hopefully everything worked out ok for you. I bet you that was stressful as hell


The baby probably heard the fireworks and wanted to come out and see

That's when you find the keys and start waddling to the car. They would follow I'm sure. Or pick up your cellphone and call one of them or text. Also miming helps as well. Stand up in their view and mime big belly and then gushing water between legs then act like you are holding a baby. Lots of ways to communicate.

elizacandle 29

Wow! what happened!?!? hope it turned out okay

*just smile and wave boys, smile and wave *

To the op If your baby is born on july the 4th Then your baby has the same birthday as me!

I honestly can't believe how many insensitive, uncaring, and downright rude jerks post comments on some posts...including this one!

you're a hypocrite because you are posting the same kind of comments except you are just mean, at least the other person was happy for the OP instead of just rant to/about another commenter. Congratulations OP I hope you have a healthy bouncing baby boy or girl!

Hey, at least her child (possibly) was born on July 4th. Just tell the kid people like him/her so much they shoot fireworks for them lol

You should have screamed bloody murder and hold your stomach.

this sounds like a horror story, where you keep crying and pleading for help and everyone is just standing around and smiling at you

catanita 18

So.... boy or a girl? Hope both of you are ok. Congratulations.