July the fourth be with you!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Loveland

Today, during my family's traditional fourth of July weekend celebration, my water broke. I kept trying to tell them and asked them to take me to the hospital, but they couldn't hear me over the fireworks. They all just kept smiling and nodding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 040
You deserved it 3 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How rude, just hold it til after the fireworks!

Hopefully everything worked out ok for you. I bet you that was stressful as hell


nurchok 15

Hope you made it to the hospital safely and gave birth to a healthy baby.

LoneBooker88 16

your baby must be real patriotic :P

My birthday is on the fourth too. Congrats on your new baby!!!!

Wow, how loud were those fireworks? And they only last a short time before you have to light another one. Even if you were watching the big community ones, I'm always able to hear conversations clearly despite the big booms. This seems suspicious.