Just a prank, bro!

By fail - 16/02/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, at the library, somebody left themselves logged in to Facebook on a public computer after they had left. Trying to teach them a lesson, I updated their Facebook status to something outrageous. That's when they came back to the computer after getting something from the printer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 575
You deserved it 68 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you definitely deserve it. mind your own business

lesson 1: don't try to teach people anything. oh wait... never mind.


What's wrong with you? Did you really expect sympathy? You deserve a beating you piece of crap!

hoosiergirl94 31

I'm only curious to know what you wrote

That person shouldn't have let the page opened. By now in time, this same careless person has already sent several nudes to the wrong people.

YDI. What business is it of yours to "teach them a lesson"? Are you their mom?