Just a prank, bro!

By fail - 16/02/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, at the library, somebody left themselves logged in to Facebook on a public computer after they had left. Trying to teach them a lesson, I updated their Facebook status to something outrageous. That's when they came back to the computer after getting something from the printer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 575
You deserved it 68 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you definitely deserve it. mind your own business

lesson 1: don't try to teach people anything. oh wait... never mind.


fail. how about next time you act like a real grown up and just close the browser window.

So... in order to teach someone a lesson in leaving their facebook open you were going to put something completely random as their status? But not anybody that you know but a complete stranger. I mean the amount of brilliance in completing something like that is baffling. Way to go. The lesson would really be taught. I mean all the person would have to do is return to their facebook, see their status was changed to something random, and then change it. Would have been so much easier to just close it and leave other people's pages alone.

OhFiona1 0

Wow, you deserved it OP. What everyone fails to notice is that OP is a woman. That's even more shocking.

prince122 0

I go to library when I want to chill Caus they have comfy couches and it's quite *yawn* I would go to sleep now but I'm in auto class and I have a test wheel change

that's what you get for trying to be a smartass

PsychoNinjaDuck 0

I live on a military training base. The librabry is ALWAYS packed because it's most ppl's only source of Internet. Kudos to you 9. You seem like a very understanding individual who by absolutely no means is narrow minded. =]

and obviously it was a bad one. more ignorant comment than joke.

first off it's pathetic if you are at a library, second of all you are pathetic, do you have nothing better to do then to make fun of people ? maybe get off your welfare ass and get a job ?