Just a prank, bro!

By fail - 16/02/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, at the library, somebody left themselves logged in to Facebook on a public computer after they had left. Trying to teach them a lesson, I updated their Facebook status to something outrageous. That's when they came back to the computer after getting something from the printer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 575
You deserved it 68 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you definitely deserve it. mind your own business

lesson 1: don't try to teach people anything. oh wait... never mind.


Since they were already at the library, I hope they "facebooked" you like the little kid in the FML from a few days ago!

lolitaababy 0
sexy_lola21 0

um yeah you freaking idiot ydi for not just leaving it the hell Alone

FYLDeep 25

Hey, I'm in college and I haven't gone to the library outside of school since I was like 5.

fiveonefiveoh 0

y can't people teach the lesson that they can trust u in this world??? I always hear this excuse "I'm not a bad guy, I'm teaching them a lesson from the real criminals by doing what the "real" criminal would do" i know u didn't commit a crime, but that's just where I hear it most.. "I stole somethin from there car to "teach them a lesson" that they should always remember their windows" no, just leave their ****** car alone u scumbag!! Ur not teaching a lesson, U ARE the bad guy!! o well, u didn't commit a crime.. that woulda been funny if u got away with it, haha

YDI I hate it when people change my status

they shoulda kicked you in the pussy. |the kid|

lifeisbutadream3 0

Who are you to teach anyone a lesson? Righteous fool! That's like finding someone's wallet and keeping it because you want to teach them a lesson. How about logging off and Doing The Right Thing!?!