By Anonymous - 16/10/2018 17:58

Today, just after letting my dogs inside, I took a shower. As soon as I left the bathroom, I stepped in a very nice present left by my dog, a pile of warm crap. After getting that mess cleaned up, I walked into the hallway just to slip in a puddle of piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 503
You deserved it 612

Good Boy tells us more.

Good Boy 7

I'm the OP, but I made an account to comment. My dogs are trained, but the only thing I can assume is that they are in the middle of territory war or something cause it's only 1 dog doing it, and it started happening recently.

Top comments

Who let the dogs in? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?

whiskey'swino 15

How old are they? As puppies they are not potty masters yet, perhaps more training could help. We have two dogs and haven't had this issue since they were little pups.


if he doesn't stop take him to vet he may have eaten something inedible and it's stuck in intestines

middlenamefrank2 4

You need to get your dog to the vet immediately. Animals can't tell you when something is wrong, so they have to let you know any way they can. Whenever "toilet" habits change in an animal, you need to have them checked out.

EmDizzle2007 28
peterblack67 9

Sounds like you need to learn how to train your dogs.