Just go

By MitchFail - 23/07/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, in the midst of foreplay, this girl tells me I'm "so hot". I respond "Ditto." She heatedly responds, "I love ditto," to which I suavely reply, "I didn't know you were into Pokémon. That may make you even sexier." She knows nothing about Pokémon, but I sure know how to kill the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 742
You deserved it 74 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Carlyyy 0

What did she mean then, "I love ditto." ...

I would've thought the exact same thing. Pokemon ftw.


larsonbp 0

F her life for not knowing about pokemon. you can do better.

Good thing she didn't mention Rush Limbaugh -- I would have vomited on her face. FYI, don't mention "Poke a mon" in Jamaica, over their it means gay anal sex.

STVader 0

lol so thats what Ash meant when he said wanna catch them all. He was talkin bout aids...

kc2_fml 0

pokemon makes everything sexier

Well next time you know to keep your mouth shut... then she'll actually play with your pokeballs...

....why would you say "ditto" anyway? YDI. But she sounds like a dumbass anyway.

mister_moops 0

she probably doesn't know what ditto means. ditto isn't even a word that fits into any sexual convo. also, makes her even sexier? oh, yeah, baby, talk pokemon to me.

So I take it she's not into hot Skitty on Wailord action then.

thats probably one of the best things i have ever heard

bzlnv8 0

do u know what ditto means guys, not pokemon