Just go

By MitchFail - 23/07/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, in the midst of foreplay, this girl tells me I'm "so hot". I respond "Ditto." She heatedly responds, "I love ditto," to which I suavely reply, "I didn't know you were into Pokémon. That may make you even sexier." She knows nothing about Pokémon, but I sure know how to kill the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 742
You deserved it 74 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Carlyyy 0

What did she mean then, "I love ditto." ...

I would've thought the exact same thing. Pokemon ftw.


Kylias 6

... oh my. I can't blame you for thinking Pokemon, cos before I finished, I thought this was going to be an I-screwed-a-nerd FML's, as opposed to she-found-out-that-I'm-a-nerd FML's. FHL for being ignorant to the ways of the Pokemon. And FYL for finding it out too late.

i just realized that either ditto is a copy of kirby, or the other way around. think about it, they're both pink blobs that copy their enemies in order to kill them.

kittengrl39 0

Actually, Ditto is a purple blob. Adjust your color settings if you think it's pink. /nerd

YDI for hooking up with a girl who doesn't know Pokemon. ;-)

i love 87 comment lol if this is true i bet he aint got laid:P

Heh, awkwaaard... She "heatedly" said she loved ditto?...usually that means someone's angry....perhaps she was angry because you couldn't crank out three simple words "you are too" or "no you're hotter" Something like that.

that's epic. but it sounds like she is dumb as well by probably mistaking ditto for *****. dumb bitch.

themixedt4pe 0

Hahaha. Pokemon rule! There's a lot of ways that could have turned out to be a lot more fun if you weren't hooking up with someone who didn't like/know about Pokemon. F her life for missing out, I say! I would have assumed the same thing you did. I say "ditto" all the time, and it always reminds me of Pokemon when other people say it. I honestly don't know what else she could have meant by "I love ditto." Gramaticallly I don't think it even makes sense if she didn't use "ditto" as a noun. Oh well. FYL.