Just go

By MitchFail - 23/07/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, in the midst of foreplay, this girl tells me I'm "so hot". I respond "Ditto." She heatedly responds, "I love ditto," to which I suavely reply, "I didn't know you were into Pokémon. That may make you even sexier." She knows nothing about Pokémon, but I sure know how to kill the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 742
You deserved it 74 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Carlyyy 0

What did she mean then, "I love ditto." ...

I would've thought the exact same thing. Pokemon ftw.


Heh, awkwaaard... She "heatedly" said she loved ditto?...usually that means someone's angry....perhaps she was angry because you couldn't crank out three simple words "you are too" or "no you're hotter" Something like that.

hazelwolfeyes 0

im such a nerd. talk pokemon to me and i get all hot n bothered. LOL i attacked the last guy who knew all of vulpix's attacks, how its tail splits to into more as it gets older, n how it evolves into ninetales. oh sweet jeebus...i need to shut up now...LOL Find a chicka who is into what you know...it will make sex alot more fun. :D

fxdxhk90 0

If you still like pokemon I think your too young to be on this site.

It's all her fault for saying I love ditto. Wtf? Who says that? You get awesome points for working Pokemon into the conversation though :)

Wow. You are an idiot. Anyone who knows pokemon would have thought that, but you actually SAID it?

If I were in that situation "I love ditto," would have killed the mood for me. Wtf does that mean?

tikkatakka 0

SDI for not knowing shit about Pokemon. GET SOMEONE BETTER. ;D

Flashbandit 0

You almost got her to play with you pokeballs...and maybe, she would have taught your Squirtle how to use water gun against her Lickitung.