Keep it down

By Help - 26/11/2011 06:03 - United States

Today, it's the second week into my new neighbors' routine. He works nights, she works days. He likes to blast out Slayer and Napalm Death all day, she likes to drunkenly sing out of tune to Adele all night. I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 752
You deserved it 2 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow I love napalm death and slayer and Adele!!

Try talking to them? Maybe they don't know how loud they are being.


hateevryone 14

call the police and make a complaint. they both need better hobbies.

sushi55555 6

knock on their door to complain or call the cops

Aspen_Grace33 27

Wow, that totally blows! Is there anything your leasing office can do to remedy the problem before it gets even more out of hand? FYL and good luck getting some rest!

robc32ca 4

Get a job and leave the house/apartment

marcie19 7

What are you doing home all day?

What are you doing wearing almost no clothing in your profile picture??

HU4L188 0

So if he works nights, and plays plays loud music all day long, and she works days, and sings all night, are you saying they never sleep?

Between the two of them... one of them is always awake. How is that confusing?

gilstrap23 3

How the crap don't you like SLAYER?!?! D:

lolitroll_fml 0

Did someone say earmuffs and ear plugs!

How about you get a Job? then you wont be at home... or better yet play your own music