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Keep some things to yourself

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Plymouth

Today, I overheard someone at the mall telling his friend, "So I'm going in for a brain scan." Trying to be funny, I piped up, "Better hope they find something!" Turns out that had been the end of his sentence, and the scan is to see if his cancer has spread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 568
You deserved it 75 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Total jerk move to say that to someone you don't know.

cjwayy 22

YDI. That's a pretty insensitive thing to say, considering you didn't know them and you didn't know the situation.


sammieshortcake 15

YDI. While I'm sure you weren't trying to be hurtful, it's rude to interject into strangers conversations. Even under the best of circumstances.

speaking too soon is an epidemic most kids around here are suffering from. Learn to shut up op.

This is why you shouldn't chime in to random people's conversations.

I don't know about that. I've met quite a few people and made a few friends by "chiming in" to conversations between two or three people about Pokemon or anime conventions. I wouldn't say, "Don't converse with strangers, ever;" I'd say, "Pick and choose your moments when confronting strangers, especially when it involves life-affecting topics or someone's immediate safety."

Wtf? Why would you even comment on someone else's conversation about a brain scan like that??! Especially if they're complete strangers. I hope they slapped the shit out of you cause YDI.

rocker_chick23 27

What the hell were you expecting? When is a brain scan ever good?

pwnman 33

OP, you're a royal asshole. YDI.

You seriously deserve that. That's pretty ******* rude.