Keeping up appearances

By vanessax - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Crown Point

Today, my seven-year-old told me to lose weight. Her reason? There's a family fun day coming up at her school and she is embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 549
You deserved it 23 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch! Children are honest like that. She doesn't mean it in a horrible way, just try it. Who knows?

Hahaha probably need to lose weight do it for her ;)


Here comes family fun day. She said stop eating, if you may. With embarrassment on her face, she told her mom to drop her off at that place. Her mother realizing her weight was her issue, she grabbed a hand full of tissue.

My whole life I've been called fat by family and friends I'm fatter than a guy a grade above me!

I love how I read this while eating a chocolate Easter egg. I'm not considered overweight by any means, but we all make mistakes and we all like to eat! Better to get that gym membership now, best time of year for some great deals! ;)

MissHayleyJames 7

Don't worry too much OP. The media is teaching girls that you have to look like a super model to be pretty when most of us aren't. Beauty comes in many shapes and sizes. Unless you sit on your butt all day stuffing junk food in your mouth nonstop, there's no YDI here so ignore all these skinny people that think weight loss is some easy always 100% attainable thing.

perdix 29

On the plus side, if the bouncy fun house deflates, the kids can always bounce on you! Everyone loves bouncing on fat ladies, that's how you got a seven-year-old ;)

Am I the only one who thinks op's kid was being rude? I know she is only seven, but if she is smart enough to tell her mom this in the way age did she is smart enough to know she was being hurtful.

Reading this comment, the only thing I can see is Kermit the Frog's face bobbing left and right while his mouth runs up and down. And the picture is stationary. I watch too much muppets.

Damnnn! That's like a huge slap in the face!!! By your daughter!?!?! You just got owned..... By your daughter!!!! Lol FYL

mexikim909 0

Agreed!! Lose that fat u taught her well