Keeping up appearances

By vanessax - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Crown Point

Today, my seven-year-old told me to lose weight. Her reason? There's a family fun day coming up at her school and she is embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 549
You deserved it 23 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch! Children are honest like that. She doesn't mean it in a horrible way, just try it. Who knows?

Hahaha probably need to lose weight do it for her ;)


Children are also often stupid, rude, and wrong.

Trisha_aus 15
hateevryone 14

That's embarrassing. If your own daughter is embarrassed to be seen with you, you need to change your appearance.

Awww, she's already buying into the high maintenance, fake image conscious world of girls.

I bet she isn't saying that for no reason. Maybe I'm naive, but I think perhaps if a 7 year old (sorry to add this, but American) girl is embarrased about your size, perhaps you are legitimately overweight and in an unhealthy condition. Maybe look into that before feeling offended.

Pop culture: devoted to making prepubescent girls self-conscious so they can have a helluva puberty experience.

Everyone saying YDI needs to go jump in a lake. It is NOT OP's fault that she isn't a size 2 supermodel. We don't know how big she is; she could be a perfectly healthy size and weight, but the seven-year-old is being brought up in a society where only one body type is acceptable, and that's all she sees on TV (dear God I hope she doesn't watch Hannah Montana), so of course if her mother is the slighest bit different than what's seen on TV, she's going to say something. The point is, the daughter was out of line and needs to be taught that saying such things isn't right. She should have learned that in kindergarten but hey, parents aren't parents these days.

MissChevious 1

If a seven year old is embarassed of you, it means something. Now, if she was 14 it would be a completely different story. Anyways... Sorry, OP, maybe you should loose some weight.,