Keeping up appearances

By vanessax - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Crown Point

Today, my seven-year-old told me to lose weight. Her reason? There's a family fun day coming up at her school and she is embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 549
You deserved it 23 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch! Children are honest like that. She doesn't mean it in a horrible way, just try it. Who knows?

Hahaha probably need to lose weight do it for her ;)


BeaterOfTheDrums 15

It's okay OP, the bigger women are always fun. ;)

Rei_Ayanami 18

Off topic here, but that gas mask isn't going to help much without the filter. I have one just like it, but filtered :)

More cushion for the pushin. 12 looks like you're a chubby chaser huh? ;-)

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Maybe just a little :p meat on the bones is better than skin and bone. If ya know what I mean. ;) The gas mask isn't mine. The person who owns it put a bong on it where the filter attaches.

lol I would lose the weight but go to the family fun day in my bath robe and curlers in my hair lol the funny thing about that is that's what my grandma was whereing at my parents wedding :p true story

Oh c'mon. I've seen people use the wrong 'there' or 'your' left and right, but how the hell do you misspell wearing like that?

Don't take it as an offence, take it as a chance to get healthy! (;

coe08 6

I WROTE THAT COMMENT TOO!!! lol great minds think alike

She just wants to show you off to her classmates. Plus, children are kind of blunt.

Don't take it as an insult. kids are just brutally honest. Besides you can use that as motivation to get back to the body im sure you once had!

More importantly, do it for your own good, OP.

linkinpark98 23

Ah, the things kids say. I bet everyone said some pretty harsh things when they were younger, too!

Children are blunt, and at least they do not beat round the bush. So you know how she feels.

siickman 7

Lol i didnt know having a hard time getting up was fun...