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By Jesse - 01/08/2009 19:24 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for the first time since I got my license. I have disorganized speech and occasional inappropriate emotional response. I began to laugh due to nervousness and when I tried to explain why, I was arrested because he thought I was high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 274
You deserved it 5 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unlucky. I used to have the same responses, got into a lot of trouble when I was in school for that.

haha thats funny.. i laugh when i dont know what else to do in a trully akward situation, or when an angry person is screaming at me


That sucks majorly. But it's pretty bad grammar-wise.

YDI for being a filthy degenerate stoner. get your ***** ass back in the kitchen, and make me some dinner, woman

that sucks, i got my license last thursday, then last night, I side swiped a car and then backed into another car. So i know kind of how you feel.

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i didn't know you could say sexist things and then make it okay by declaring yourself not a sexist! wow i'm going to do that from now on


hatcher 0

I'm going to nth the potential schizophrenia, or at least some kind of schizoaffective disorder. most schizophrenics probably shouldn't be driving anyway.

Gah. Just talking about the characteristics of a gender doesn't make you sexist. He's not saying IN ANY WAY that guys are better than girls. He just made an educated guess, which was, in fact, correct. OP is indeed a woman.

supafly1298 3

shut the **** up u ******* nazi!!!!!

How is that anything like the OP's situation.

delfinofrank 0

If you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to be nervous about. So you did something wrong. YDI

elara15 0

That's an unnecessary simplification, don't you think? Especially for a new driver.

Pennypoo 0

maybe she was nervous bc she didnt know what she did wrong. It's the police. sometimes they just make people nervous at the sight of them. dont assume things

Because cops are always right, huh. It's one thing to get a ticket for a little thng, but quite another to get arrested. Hope the OP got the badge number and name, because behavior or lack of deference to a police officer is not grounds for arrest. Laughing doesn't mean you're high, and without a smell or anything else that is not probable cause.

#3: I've been driving for years and got pulled over the other day for the first time. I was nervous because I didn't think I was seriously violating any traffic laws (the cop was just being extra strict as I was going over 25 but under 30 in a 25mph area, but it was raining and she felt I should've gone a little slower, so she let me off with a warning) but I stuttered and stumbled as well. So, no, OP didn't deserve it for being nervous.

There's no reason to be nervous when you're getting pulled over for no reason. Even when I was getting pulled over for the first time, I was like wtf, but I wasn't nervous. I was more interested in why I was pulled over in the first place. If you just comply then you'll be fine (yes, even if the cop's a dick). It's not like the cops gonna tase you the minute you roll down your window and then beat you with his flashlight until you can't even recognize your own face. Haha one time a cop asked me if I thought he was born yesterday. I was like wtf. He pulled me over, asked for my ID, which I didn't have on me, which was wonderful. At the time we were in high school and me and a buddy were just cruising on a Thursday night, and the cop was asking me if we were going to the party. THE party. Like there was only one. I told him I didn't know there was a party going on, and we were just cruising around, and he asked me if I thought he was born yesterday. I was being honest, I had no idea what he was talking about haha. He then IDed my black passenger, which was total bullshit. The guy was a dick, but if you just sit back and take it for like 5 minutes it passes and nothing happens.

#20 you ever seen the video where the cop tased the 80 something year old women because she was "unruly"? the cops don't care who you are, they just are pricks

#55: SOME cops are pricks, not ALL cops. Cops are people just like you and I: some are good people, and some aren't.

That nasty old woman had it coming. Crazy old bitch shoulda stayed in her car.

Can we take bets on #20 being a white straight guy? I mean, I suppose that he could, indeed, be a very naive she, but then since woman are pretty socialized to fear authority, especially male authority, I'm doubtful. I also suppose it's easier to think "you don't have to be nervous unless you've done something wrong!" when stories of rape, beatings, and arrests based on gender/sexuality/race are pouring in all the time. It must be nie, being able to simply breeze past those stories as not affecting you.

haha thats funny.. i laugh when i dont know what else to do in a trully akward situation, or when an angry person is screaming at me

Lct1196 31

Well technically you can't get arrested for being high. You can only get arrested for the possession of the drugs.

Unlucky. I used to have the same responses, got into a lot of trouble when I was in school for that.

Twidragon1000 0

Yeah, I have simmilar reactions too. I could never be taken seriously, and when I was I was either punished, got into a fight, or assumed being a lier.

cucumberfabulous 7
whatev15342 0

That really sucks I'm sorry. I hope everything was okay eventually. A wierd question- do you have a mild form of schitzophrenia or ASPD at all? cause not to many people use the term "disorganized speech"

bexox 0

I think it's pretty safe to assume from the wording of this that the OP has some sort of nervous or psychological disorder.

no he just found, probably on web md, big impressive sounding phrases to make "nervously laughed so much as to be completely incomprehensible" sound less pathetic

I don't see how this could have really happened. 1) They can't arrest you for being high, they can only arrest you if you are possession of it. 2) Sure you can get arrested for driving under the influence of something, but they have to do sobriety and field tests on you... They can't just arrested you ASSUMING that you were on something that you weren't.. If you DID in fact get arrested, then YDI for not knowing your rights. If you let that cop arrest you even though he had no evidence to back up what he was saying, then yeah... you are stupid.

yes, but if he tried to use the excuse of knowing his rights, he would've had "resisting arrest" added on top.

shooter308 0

Yes they can arrest you for only being under the influence of a narcotic. At least in California they can, and I'm sure in Oregon it's the same. If you get arrested for DUI of a controlled substance, you can also be charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance.

Question: If you smoke weed for medical reasons, can they arrest you for driving blazed? (In California)

shooter308 0

yes. yes they can. just like if you have a prescription for Vicodin or Percocet and drive. If you are impaired in any way, you can be arrested. The field sobriety test can be used for alcohol or drugs.