
By guessimdead - 19/04/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I went to my new job at a pre-school. I was really excited because everything was going so well, and a little boy even said he was drawing a picture of me. He even gave it to me when he was finished. Well it was me, but I was also on fire and being stabbed and shot multiple times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 114
You deserved it 3 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I'd be talking to that kid's parents.

Inspired22 11

Yeah, talk to the parents. That was entirely inappropriate. Some action needs to be taken before he grows up too much on that path!


LOLOL. That reminded me of.. umm.. ah i forgot what it was called, some movie where the kid drew horror stuff, i think it was the sixth sense? or was it one of the scary movies x]

Asshole. Next time, think before you go and teach preschoolers while being stabbed and shot while on fire.

Jessyca_fml 0

It could be a big problem or a small problem it just depends on where he saw and learned how to draw it. Was it outside of his house or on tv...pretty much.

The best thing to do is tell your supervisor about the picture. Your supervisor will most likely handle the situation, whether it's talking to the child or parents or both. Even if it's there's not psychological issue the child needs to understand that it's not appropriate. If you are the lead teacher in the classroom you may want to consider talking to your kids about how weapons are unsafe and make a rule about not pretending to have weapons (making them out of legos or using their fingers as guns) and not having weapons in their art.

Wow, that kid has a LOT of issues. Psychologist time for him!

c'mon people, count to ten and take a deep breath. fights over parenting abilities over is the dumbest thing ever. a) just cause hes drawing a picture of all that stuff doesnt mean he's sat there and watched his dad kill his mom or is being beat by his parents b) kids DO do stuff like that. now, if he comes to school with knives and guns, then id tell someone. c) this story sounds totally fake. I doubt the kid did that anyway. Be more realistic next time. Have a lovely day.

MukyDaCookie 0

So are you teaching in Compton? Or maybe the Bronx? Detriot?

when my brother was in kindergarden, his best friend had a crush on me and drew a picture of me...tied to a the back of a "buttwiser" truck...with him driving.