Kitchen Nightmares

By just the tip, though - 28/01/2014 17:06 - United States - Grovetown

Today, at work teaching a cooking class, one of the kids asked if they could use a knife to help me chop vegetables. I said no, because it was very sharp and only staff members are allowed to use them. Just as I said that, the knife sliced through the tip of my thumb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 021
You deserved it 11 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now you get to teach them first aid! You're such a good teacher.

MassiveBerry 9

Well, you were right. It was sharp.


YDI, 1) You weren't watching where the knife was cutting and 2) You may have gotten blood on the food. Hope you feel better though :D

rg350dx 29

How do you know where OP was looking when it happened? It's so sad, OP will never be able to hitchhike the same way again.

Hey, at least the kid will probably never touch a knife again in his life. One less knife-based serial killer in the world. You've paid your dues.

rg350dx 29

Or seeing that happen finally ignites the potential serial killers bloodlust and boom, another Ted bundy is created. There's always to sides to the psychopathic coin.

At least you proved your point... literally. fyl

There you go lead by example by taking one for the team.

trellz17 19

Even though you hurt yourself think about it, if you gave that kid the knife it could've been him. then you would've had more to worry about than your thumb seeing as staff are only supposed to use them

Hey, FYL, but a real-life situation always teaches more than just saying it.

How old are these kids your teaching to cook? I would think to be old enough to take a class one would have to be old enough to handle a knife

askullnamedbilly 33

Knives? Yes. Very sharp knives? No. Think about teenagers - definitely old enough to learn how to cook, but I wouldn't give them sharp tools to use; much too easy to seriously hurt yourself with if you're goofing around and trying to show off to your friends. Hormones and weapons don't mix.

#34, Not every teenager is a complete idiot, by the way.

So? Just one idiot is enough reason to not give them sharp knives.

i was a Sophmore and using knives in Culinary class. I have also been using guns since I was a kid too. Its called being taught right.

76 it's called being mature and you are a rarity among sophomores from my point of view 98% of high school students are retarded

I was using power tools in school as a teen and there a hell of a lot more dangerous then knives. I'm only 22 have teen really got that much dumber that quickly

Goblin182 26

Stop smearing retarded people by comparing them to high school students.