Kitchen Nightmares

By just the tip, though - 28/01/2014 17:06 - United States - Grovetown

Today, at work teaching a cooking class, one of the kids asked if they could use a knife to help me chop vegetables. I said no, because it was very sharp and only staff members are allowed to use them. Just as I said that, the knife sliced through the tip of my thumb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 021
You deserved it 11 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now you get to teach them first aid! You're such a good teacher.

MassiveBerry 9

Well, you were right. It was sharp.


And then he learned that if adults can injure themselves, kids have more possibilities :)

Well it did help reinforce. your lesson that knives are sharp.

At the Smokehouse I work at we use a meat slicer. I've seen too many fingers become victim to it. its so gross! Sorry OP

Ouch! Sounds painful. At least it wasn't the student, that would be even worse.

What's the point of a cooking class when you're not allowed to get in any practice?

bobbyguy 17

Just look at the kid and say, " THIS IS WHY YOU CANT USE THE KNIFE."

Now they definitely won't ask you again

#63 When aren't you going to catch on to the fact that you get downvoted for being Captain Obvious... Well shit...