By Tired - 25/12/2018 12:00

By Tired - 25/12/2018 12:00
By marriageblows - 22/01/2012 02:18 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/11/2020 02:02 - United States
By UnderAppreciated - 05/11/2021 16:00 - United States - Loveland
By Anonymous - 13/08/2022 06:00
By Sierra Madre - 20/10/2019 04:00
By Anonymous - 09/05/2024 19:00
By the dog won - 16/07/2020 14:01
By Anonymous - 21/12/2021 11:01
By Double standards - 03/08/2022 16:00
By Ungrateful - 04/08/2024 13:00 - United States
so why are you married to him still? you know you could just work fulltime, do all the other things and then enjoy your day off without arguing and having unfullfilling sex.
Thank you!
The one she gave is just fine. No excuse for him not cooking/cleaning/running errands when he’s working part time and she’s working full time.
As someone who has been in the exact situation (and add 2 small children to the mix), divorce him. I promise that no matter how much you struggle, it is worth it not to have the added stress of a husband/significant other that you can never do enough for. You can't make everyone happy, so try starting with yourself.
you still need to have sex with your partner, it is kinda expected and important in relationships
So you're just supposed to let someone have sex with your body when you can't possibly enjoy it and thus leading to resentment that he's basically raping you? How about if he's a little more understanding about his spouse being exhausted and maybe helping so she has a little more energy to devote to him? Marriage is supposed to be about supporting each other, not one person making unreasonable (under the circumstances) demands of the other and being like a child having a tantrum when they don't get want they want.
If he doesn’t care enough to help make sure she is not too tired for sex, when he has more free time because he’s working fewer hours, he’s really not entitled to any kind of expectation for regular sex.
Protip for dudes: making a woman feel like sex is another chore on the list of shit she does for you will not get you more sex. Turn sex into a chore and you get none of it.
Sorry, but based off what you wrote he sounds like a self absorbed prick.
so why are you married to him still? you know you could just work fulltime, do all the other things and then enjoy your day off without arguing and having unfullfilling sex.
Protip for dudes: making a woman feel like sex is another chore on the list of shit she does for you will not get you more sex. Turn sex into a chore and you get none of it.