Late bloomer

By Mike - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a call from my son's school saying to pick him up because he'd shat his pants. He's in high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 138
You deserved it 3 085

Top comments

We need more information before we can judge this FML, he may have had diarrhea from your food, for example.


skyeyez9 24

He must have over trusted that fart in math class.

Teachers were probably like: Don't stand, don't stand so Don't stand so close to me

Phishhed44 2

I hope he rode home in the trunk?

**** you, if you think your life is shit because your son still ***** his pants in high school you suck as a parent. Go worry about your son and help him with his problems.

**** your son's life for shatting his pants in high school.

FYSL **** your son's life. That must be the most embarrassing experiance ever! I want to give him a hug :( after he changes his pants...

You are a jerk. Your child is obviously sick and you are trying to make this about you.

secretsymbiote21 5

So he is sick. Do you think he liked doing it?