Late bloomer
By Mike - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By Mike - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
lol maybe he's the one I just moderated who he shit his pants at school and the teacher had to clean it up
Well, I know some teachers are idiots about letting kids go to the bathroom. I had one that would not let anyone go.
I'd like to hear the circumstances to this.
Maybe he was trying to impess a girl lifting weights.
To be honest this FML doesnt rewlly explain much, OPs son could have IBS(Irritable Bowl Syndrome) and not be able to control it, or he had explosive diarrea(excuse the awful spelling) from your food or the dreadful school food.
I have a feeling he had the beer *****.
We need more information before we can judge this FML, he may have had diarrhea from your food, for example.
S**t happens, right?