Late bloomer

By Mike - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a call from my son's school saying to pick him up because he'd shat his pants. He's in high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 138
You deserved it 3 086

Top comments

We need more information before we can judge this FML, he may have had diarrhea from your food, for example.


medichick 5

I've known grown men (and women) who have shit their pants. It happens. The worst part about this is that his friends will make fun of him lol.

Everyone is saying it's accidental. Am I the only one who thinks he did it on purpose. Maybe to get out of school early, or just as a dare. I mean teenagers these days do some really crazy shit.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Who the hell would be crazy enough to do that?

martin_martian7 11

I don't blame him. It feels weird taking a dump in the schools bathroom -_____-

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Sounds like this should be your son's FML instead. He probably got sick, and no matter how old you are, sometimes you just can't control your bowel movements.

ideasrule 13

Being in high school doesn't prevent you from getting diarrhea, nor does it prevent you from occasionally losing control of your bowels when you do.

Therewhenneeded 16

Well he either did it because he was honestly sick...or lazy...or trying to get out of school. FYL and FHL if it was accidental.

ideasrule 13

"Teenagers these days do some crazy shit?" As if teenagers 2000 years ago didn't do crazy shit? In any case, have you heard of "guilty until proven innocent?"

BellaBelle_fml 23

Wait, who are we trying to prove innocent here?!

Glad my highschool experience is over, there's just too much shit to deal with...

natalia18oo 12

Haha that's pretty much happened to everyone in my family at one point or another, except me! We call it "The Curse"!!!

Glad you got this posted to the right FML. But to tell the truth, it was funnier in the wrong one!

natalia18oo 12