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By SimpleSwimmer - 04/10/2011 16:18 - United States

Today, I applied for a job as a dishwasher. I was denied because I don't have enough experience. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 024
You deserved it 3 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1215116a 14

I wanted to become I became a dishwasher.

Buttsexpirate 9

Well go back to mr. Miyagi and practice your wax on-wax off. That should help


How dare thou misuse the sacred first spot?... no seriously dude, really?

Rico_Mal1116 0

You should have put under your recent jobs: "being a woman."

Rico_Mal1116 0

You should have put under your recent jobs: "being a woman."

I may be a dude, but I hate sexist ***** like you. You're sitting next to a car that's not yours acting like an idiot. Besides.. it says no where OP is a woman. Idiot. Rant over.

I've always wondered where experience is supposed to come from if they all require it. Family business doesn't count.

1215116a 14

I wanted to become I became a dishwasher.

epicphails 0

It takes skill to load a dishwasher

judices 0
Jennyboo5797 4

Only certain human beings are born with the amazing skill of dishwashing.

Damn_Hippster 11

Are you a woman? (kidding... Mostly)

This fml happened to me too during the summer lol


Hey hey hey!! They can be very slippery, wet, and hard. We're still talking about dishes, right?

RedSharpieInk 5

Don't they have dishwashers, like the machines ?

106- Yes. They have machines that load and unload themselves. You have to hire someone to at least do that much, genius.

CHizzy963369 3

Its a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it. And that somebody is not you.

You have to be made a dishwasher. You're not a tramsformer, you can't just be one silly.

Much experience is needed to master the eat of washing a dish

OP, become a sammich (tm) maker instead.

I am learning dishwashing in harvard.

Catcherchick94 0

That sounds like a personal problem, ask for a try out next time?

You're fat, now that sounds like a personal problem. Put the fork down. How can you sit and rag on a guy for trying to get a job? Low life dumpster ****. I luvu

Catcherchick94 0

You can never have enough experience to be a dishwasher!

well, you know what to do... GET BACK TO THE KITCHEN!

SimpleMinds_fml 7

I believe the saying is They took our jobs. Dhey tuk our jorbs. Dey TUK er jerbs. DEY TUK ER JERBS!!!!! DEEY TUUK ERR JEERBSSSS!!!!!

nublets 12

Its the rise of the machines..

nollid7 5

No, China took our jobs, as well as Mexico and Indonesia. As well as those F**king Goobacks!!! Terk. Our jobs

Buttsexpirate 9

Well go back to mr. Miyagi and practice your wax on-wax off. That should help

missyj0 12

I really doubt that's the real reason they didn't hire you.

Unlike you i wash the dishes when my mom tells me to...

TheRealEllieSan 9

My mom gets angry at me when I wash the dishes when she tells me to. I have to do it before she even thinks to tell me to do them.

ikickgingers 15

Dix, I just told my brother he makes me look like a card carrying member of Mensa - do you have my house wired, again? Please put down the tissues, binoculars, and vaseline....

ikickgingers 15

That was for 45!!! W h a t t h e b l o o d y f u c k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ikickgingers 15

Two 45's... I don't understand you fml app... ;/