
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned explosive diarrhea is real. I felt it coming and dashed into our local supermarket. Ten feet in, liquid poo started spewing down my pants' legs. 150 feet to go. I ran. It ran. They watched. After 15 minutes of cleaning, I slunk out. Now, I have to find a new supermarket, maybe a new town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 628
You deserved it 3 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh God  I remember when I had really bad diarrhea at Books A Million... Luckily it didn't reach past my underwear when I finally got to the bathroom. Note to people in charge of bathrooms: it is NOT cool when you have to ask for keys to bathrooms. When I gotta go, I GOTTA GO.


Lol. Funny shit. And your not missing much by having to avoid that crappy supermarket. ;)

roflmao.... did u put the play of words on purpose or was it purely coincidental?? "crappy supermarket"... classic... awesome!!! and btw FYL indeed OP

driedpeaches 0

Should of just shit in your car, or outside, or just anywhere other than streaming it through the store and everyone's food..

Inky_fml 0

Today, this guy came into my store and sprayed nastly, liquid diarrhea EVERYWHERE. And I had to clean it up. F both of your lives.

culeysue015 0

you arent the first, go read The Austin Road Trip story by Tucker Max. He just so happens to be famous and loaded, so rather than be embarrassed by it, he published it in a book and made a movie out of it...maybe you could try that

Thats great. my wife calls that a " home depot moment" because the same thing happened to here there. it was funny as hell. Another time my step dad vanished for what seamed like forever at a restaurant. turns out, he had the same thing and had to throw out his underwear in the bathroom trashcan. FYL

Crud, OP. I'm sorry you had such a shitty time. Hopefully you ran down the aisle with toilet paper and paper towels to make the poor workers' lives easier.

RUN FOREST RUN! LOL. Very funny OP, FYL though.

Here's a tip: Learn about sphincter control, you idiot. Clench that ****** up like someone's trying to rape you (and you AREN'T enjoying it). Then not only will you be able to make it to the bathroom, you could walk there calmly without causing a scene.

Yeah... i'm SURE op didn't try to hold it or anything. IO guess you would know. Shit must run through you all the time cause you're definitely an asshole.

Ewww, been there.. but I would of stayed in the car if I knew I couldn't make it. Better to strip in your doorway and clean your car afterwards.