
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned explosive diarrhea is real. I felt it coming and dashed into our local supermarket. Ten feet in, liquid poo started spewing down my pants' legs. 150 feet to go. I ran. It ran. They watched. After 15 minutes of cleaning, I slunk out. Now, I have to find a new supermarket, maybe a new town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 628
You deserved it 3 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh God  I remember when I had really bad diarrhea at Books A Million... Luckily it didn't reach past my underwear when I finally got to the bathroom. Note to people in charge of bathrooms: it is NOT cool when you have to ask for keys to bathrooms. When I gotta go, I GOTTA GO.


wow. that was like a short story. very descriptive! haha

That is pretty shitty man. I feel your pain. I had to cut off some boxers and leave them floating in a port-0-potty once.

My sister sent me a picture of a poop covered toilet and wall last week at Sams.. im guessing its due to explosive diarreah? Sick. I still have the picture as proof! *checking my photobucket..* andd.. here the link for those that are curious. I cried at the horror that is explosive diarreah. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e199/pashaw/poop-3.jpg

yohaun12 3

that is SO not for the faint at heart. lol. that's narsty!

Jesus ******* christ....... THAT is why I'm scared to use public bathrooms!!!

Oh my GAWD! xD I regret clicking that link now... though I have to admit I actually LOL'd.

alicecooper91 0

I saw something similar to that but about a billion times worse at a Wendy's once. The smell was especially unpleasant. I had to avoid eating at Wendy's for about a year after that, haha.

Man, I was laughing for quite a bit on this one. OP, you definitely have a way with words, FYL! :)

mykehawke 0

been there done that. although my case I made it on time:)

4 you said it those if us with ibs no the feeling. I have always made it to the bathroom.