Leave me alone

By Anonymous - 21/05/2024 06:00 - United States - Richmond

Today, I can't sit down for a book or some TV without my wife coming up and moaning at me to "get a hobby, get out of the house once in a while, you never do anything anymore." I have a healthy, balanced social life, but maybe I want to relax in my own house for once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 481
You deserved it 77

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she means "we" not you. True, I too want to enjoy the things on which I spend my money, this includes my house. My first thought is she wants to do something together while not in the house. Just a guess.

Frankly I'd be suspicious if my wife or girlfriend wanted me out of the house that badly. Unless you really are there all the time and are somehow disruptive to her.


Frankly I'd be suspicious if my wife or girlfriend wanted me out of the house that badly. Unless you really are there all the time and are somehow disruptive to her.

Maybe she means "we" not you. True, I too want to enjoy the things on which I spend my money, this includes my house. My first thought is she wants to do something together while not in the house. Just a guess.

Wadlaen 23

Have you tried telling her exactly what you wrote here?

This is why I want 48 hrs in a day. To do stuff. Or not, idc.