Leave me be

By hipster glasses - 16/08/2013 11:08 - United States

Today, I was verbally abused by a customer at my job. Apparently, wearing "ugly, thick-framed hipster glasses as a fashion statement is a HUGE faux pas." These are my actual prescription glasses, and "faux pas" is not pronounced "fox paws". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 740
You deserved it 3 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

He deserved some fox paws in the face for being so rude.

Wow.. Some people are just too rude and ignorant.


As a person who has been learnig friench since Kindergarten (10 years) i facepalm at them

As a person who has been learnig french since Kindergarten (10 years), I facepalm at them.

Well that customer just embarrassed themselves

I feel your pain OP, I have hipsterish glasses too because small ones don't suit me and the hipster ones were cheapest. It was horrible of the guy to verbally abuse you based on your glasses - people wear them for all sorts of reasons. Even if your glasses hadn't been prescription, he had no right to be so rude. Who cares if some people wear glasses as a fashion statement rather than out of necessity? We wear all sorts of things for no reason just so we can look good.

58- it depends on the prescription you have, how much the insurance will cover and what they have on hand. This give you a very limited selection. I had 5 pair to pick from and all of them were ugly

I wouldn't be insulted if they can't even pronounce faux pas

MartiOan 8

Oh, speaking perfect fench, hipsterboy/girl, don't ya?

ea247 20

Hahaha fix paws XD She's soo stupid she should at lest know how the insult works forget about her OP (My gf has the same glasses :3 )

Funny how the hipster trends have made us nerdy folk look like we are part of the hipster crowd. As if we didn't already get harrassed enough, now we get harrassed for being part of a subculture that thinks it is ironic to look like us! Why do I find myself longing for the days when I got beat up for being just a nerd?

LilFlutter 10

The hipsters don't have tape on their glasses' nosepieces, though. ;-)