Leg day

By humiliated - 14/01/2011 16:28 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend asked me to come with her to the art building at school so I could pose in the stance of a figure she was drawing for her exam. I obliged and sat for the pose. When the art teacher walked by, she looked at me, then at the sketch, pointed to the legs, and said, "Make them fatter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 939
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainPat 0

doesn't mean you have fat legs. maybe he just gave you stick legs an d the art teacher was helping him. art teachers say things like that

Well, it has to be realistic. It's weird that her teacher is giving her hints btw, shouldn't she do her exam all on her own?


i hate people like that. ignore them (:

at least the teacher didn't say: erase the boobs=)

SirEBC 7

Well then maybe you should lose a few pounds, you ******* fat ass whale *****. Just kidding. It's completely possible, as others have suggested, that your friend just gave you ridiculously skinny legs. I think your insecurity may be more of a problem than your weight, but of course that is an assumption. :P

quit being such a pussy, if it's real art the teacher wanted the limbs to be in proportion. Jesus.

It's not an insult OP, it may have sounded like it to you though and that is completely understandable. When doing life drawing, an artist must get as close to the figure they are drawing, instead of drawing them they way they see them. The art teacher must have noticed your friend was drawing your legs too small, and let them know they needed to be bigger. Talk to your friend about it if the comment made you that uncomfortable

That doesn't mean you're fat, your friend maybe just drew your legs way to skinny. It's actually really hard to draw realistic proportions, I think you just overreacted.

you shoulda tackled that teacher right there. what a jerkface!

aw you don't need to take it badly. You don't know how badly your friend might have drawn your legs. Sheh (#38) is right, it can be really hard to do proportions right and I've notice people often make legs too skinny. People tend to forget we all have a natural layer of fat around our thighs (even models - perhaps not anorexics though :P) and draw thighs too skinny. The teacher was just reminding her to fix her proportions.

hahaha, thats so hilarious, i saw a dude with unusually wide legs once and it just creeped me out to the maximum degree, watching him waddle around was such an unpleasant experience

shouldn't she say "make them wider" or "make them bigger", saying fatter just makes you sound disgustingly overweight in my opinion