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By artclasstrauma - 15/05/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, in my art class we had to paint a nude portrait of a fat, old woman. About halfway through the piece, and while painting her fat rolls, I realized she was the only person other than myself I had ever seen naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 185
You deserved it 7 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scary... It wasn't Rosie O'Donnell was it? Considering she can't do much else anymore...

i'm sick of these "this was the only time i [something] for [period of time]" fmls. seriously, get over it.


Scary... It wasn't Rosie O'Donnell was it? Considering she can't do much else anymore...

code2264 0

ewwwww tmi it's Now stuck in my mind. I'm going to throw up. Rosie odonnel naked would be a very scary movie 

You could watch ****. Boom problem solved

Maybe that's because you're not such an oil painting yourself ;)

i'm sick of these "this was the only time i [something] for [period of time]" fmls. seriously, get over it.

Yup if you are so desperate there is always a willing man.

I found this "FML" to be so mean =/ (in quotes b/c I don't really think this is a FML).

Wow you've never watched a movie with a naked person in it or something? you've led an over-sheltered life style.

I'm pretty sure OP meant the only person he's seen naked in real life, as opposed to on a screen.

haha #1 exactly right. and YDI for being such a pathetic loser virgin.

I bet you're a virgin yourself...

And even so, what's so entirely terrible about being a virgin?

cant be true, seeing your mom counts as well.

I2OI3 0

That is sad considering the naked body is a beautiful thing - check out your local strip club, or maybe get yourself some good ol fashioned triple x stuff, but none of that gay manga stuff you can get at the library (see other FML from today)