Let it out

By :-( - 17/07/2013 05:22 - Australia - Rozelle

Today, I finally convinced my mum to take me to a psychologist. As soon as he sat me down and asked me how I was doing, my mum burst into tears and went on a rant about how her life is terrible and she regrets everything. I was asked to sit in the waiting room. She used up my whole hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 515
You deserved it 3 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Gee, I wonder why you needed a psychologist... ...mother issues, perhaps?

crisanba 18

Sounds like you were her excuse to go to a physiologist

Geekyandproud 19

Not if it took time to convince her to go...

She went to a psychologist... Not a physiologist

zed34 18

Sorry op. hope you get the help you need soon

football98_fml 20

well she used up her whole life taking care of you, an hour shouldnt be that bad

CharresBarkrey 15

Eh, its technically impossible for a mother to use HER whole life taking care of her child. But she did, however, take care of OP for their whole life.

WTF...that digressed to a pointless observation!

I think I can see where your issues stem from

At least they asked you to sit in the hall!!

Maybe it was her way of avoiding you from having help and making up fake problems you know them evil mothers sometimes

Bet she also complains you always make it all about you.

Neyuu 18

She shouldn't have taken ANY part of your hour. I'm sorry, that's very inconsiderate. That was your time for healing, she should have scheduled her own appointment, or the therapist should have offered you a chance to speak to another therapist since it was your session. Shoving a patient to the side like that.. jeez..

I agree, I wouldn't want to see any psychologist that allows the patient's mother to undermine their feelings and problems in that way. Glad your mother is getting help if things are that bad for her but that was so inappropriate.

I disagree. While it does suck for OP this happened it sounds like her mother had a breakdown in front of the psychologist. In that case it's better he started helping the mom NOW. Now he also should of worked hard to see OP later that day or at the latest next day.

acerredrum 23

The thing is though psychologists are very often booked, OP will be lucky if he gets to see the psychologist next week if she takes over his space completely the psychologist may not even have room for another patient and he would have to find another one. That was very inconsiderate of her to do, she should of booked her own appointment instead of immediately overriding her child who needs help.

#34 Op is the patient, not the mother. She is the one who should have had to wait. What if the OP was there for something really serious, while her mother is an attention seeker? It's just totally unprofessional

Even though this was rather unfair, I hope you both work out whatever you guys are going through. Best of luck OP