Let it out

By :-( - 17/07/2013 05:22 - Australia - Rozelle

Today, I finally convinced my mum to take me to a psychologist. As soon as he sat me down and asked me how I was doing, my mum burst into tears and went on a rant about how her life is terrible and she regrets everything. I was asked to sit in the waiting room. She used up my whole hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 515
You deserved it 3 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Perhaps it may be best for you both to see separate psychologists, so you both can get the services that you need...?

Maybe it will be a good thing for you, in the end !!!

bromoryn 10

Same thing happened to me the last time I had an appointment. Only I was sitting beside my dad's ex-wife and listening with hidden anger. I had tried to get comfortable with the psychologist several times.

Maybe you and your mom should get group/family therapy. Your mom sounds more like an attention-seeker or just over-dramatic though.

That's how most of my therapy sessions went when i was a kid, except she cried over how though i make her life..hang in there!