Let it out

By :-( - 17/07/2013 05:22 - Australia - Rozelle

Today, I finally convinced my mum to take me to a psychologist. As soon as he sat me down and asked me how I was doing, my mum burst into tears and went on a rant about how her life is terrible and she regrets everything. I was asked to sit in the waiting room. She used up my whole hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 515
You deserved it 3 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cottoncandymango 17

I guess she needed help more than you did.

Though she did get the help she needed in which was good, it was still extremely rude of her. The session was bought for you.

Well, I think the psychologist now knows what your problem is.

Sorry to say it, ur whole family might need help

MrZsDad 19

Well half your problems are probably because of that anyways...

I'll bet that was a little embarrassing?

sounds like your mom may need some help her self it's nothing to be ashamed of. some times life can be a. bit hard to handle