Let me out!

By bananaman - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I've been on the same train for two hours at a standstill due to "signal problems". We can't get off because it's "unsafe." I'm on my way home from work and I can see my house through the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 208
You deserved it 3 329

Top comments

They need to get their stuff on track. Tee hee

tans_fml 0

sounds only mildly torturous...


Erindub 0

108, has THE BEST solution for the win!

yes but to have a car in London. is really expensive and it's just so much cheaper to take public transport.

people show love differently his might be buying you stuff and others are romantic

stay on the train you would prob get yourself killed when they start moving trains again. signal problems means there could be a broken rail. sitting is better than dying

jenaandtyler4eva 0

that sucks bur why can't you just be an adult and not complain like a little kid and figure out how to fix it

You know this could be a lot worse. What if you looked out the window and you saw your house on fire or saw people walking out of it with your stuff? Still that is pretty rough OP.

And then you will feel stupid for saying bus...

dillpill01 0

for a second I thought you lived in the Toronto area cuz ur story seemed familiar. I feel your pain.