Let's say, hypothetically…

By Anonymous - 07/10/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, I asked my uber-religious parents what they would do if, hypothetically, they found out one of their closest friends was an atheist. The immediate response: "Forcibly try to convert them, and completely cut all ties if they don't accept." Guess I'll remain a closeted atheist for the rest of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 493
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bagoflays 1

It’s an example that there are periods in our lives when the smart thing to do is to keep our beliefs to ourselves… You don’t necessarily have much choice as a child. But this is just one of the reasons you work to become independent.


I understand wanting to remain friendly with family, but that is toxic as hell to me. Myself, I would get out and tell them, and cut all ties. But that’s me. I went through this type of situation with my grandma, and I never regretted cutting her out of my life because the “conversion” tactics.

bagoflays 1

It’s an example that there are periods in our lives when the smart thing to do is to keep our beliefs to ourselves… You don’t necessarily have much choice as a child. But this is just one of the reasons you work to become independent.

tiptoppc 19

Agreed. As an Atheist who came from a house completely beholden to cultish beliefs, I could only state my intentions to leave the cult once out and on my own. It’s hard for them to punish what is not in their grasp. Either way, it ended with my going no-contact with at least one of my parents, but these dipshit genetic rejects of family members thought you must be forced into believing or they would try to make your life hell. And they did just that. Sadly, religion should all be declared a cult and mental illness. It’s literally used as an excuse to enforce what I consider is abuse at the hands of a theological belief in order to control others. Good luck OP!

it's ok to cut toxic parents out. you need to live your life for you, not for them

GoogieWithers 22

When you're not dependent on them, you can cut them off. Religion truly is the root of all evil

If they are Christians, they didn’t understand at all what Jesus taught them. At all.

d j mom 7

you don't say how old you are. in life you have to choose your battles. if you live at home and are dependent on them keep your mouth shut for now. if you are on your own yet still love them and get along otherwise, keep your mouth shut. if you are on your own and they are toxic to you in others ways then this may be 'the hill you are willing to die on' and tell them your views. just know if it's the latter then you can probably kiss away any inheritance.